Move Cells

When creating your storyboard, there may be times when you want to rearrange the order of the cells. We have a tool just for that!

How to Move Cells

Imagine you had the storyboard below.

moving cells in storyboard software - before you have moved any cells

While in edit mode, you can move cells around the storyboard.

  1. Click Move Cells

The Move Cells button is on the bar below the storyboard.

You'll see each cell in your storyboard is now highlighted in blue!

how to move cells in storyboard software - Step 2


  1. Rearrange

Select the cell you wish to move and drag it to its new destination. All the cells will shift over to accommodate it. When you are finished moving, click Let's Go.

how to move cells in storyboard software - Step 3

Your storyboard is now in a new order! You can always undo the move, or click "Cancel Move" if you no longer wish to rearrange your storyboard cells.

After rearranging your storyboard example with software

How did we do?

Change Storyboard Layout

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