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How Do Students Update Their Display Name?

Symptom: Student names are showing up as numbers and letters

Symptom: I don't know who's who when I'm looking at assignments

Student display names are what you see when you view their work. They are not what students use to log in.

 Teacher Changes Display Name

If there are just one or two students who need display name updates, teachers can do this from their dashboard. If there's an entire class, it may be faster and easier for students to update their display names themselves.

  1. Click "Manage Students"
  1. Find Student

You can sort students by Student Name (display name), username, or just use the search bar to pull up the student whose display name you need to change

  1. Click "Settings" 
  1. Update Student Name and click "Update"

Students Change Display Name

  1. Click "My Settings"

From their dashboard, Students can click "My Settings"

  1. Click "Edit" next to My Name
  1. Type in desired display name and click "Update Display Name"


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