Education Edition


Learn about the different security settings for Education accounts on Storyboard That, like student data and privacy.

Free Trial for Teachers

What do you get with a free teacher trial on Storyboard That? What happens when it ends?

Teacher Dashboard

Learn all the features of the Teacher Dashboard and maximize your time on Storyboard That!

Students & Classes

Find articles to help with setting up classes and students on Storyboard That's Education Edition

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24 articles by 1 author


What are assignments on Storyboard That and how can you use them? Check out these help articles!

Admin Dashboard

Learn how to navigate your admin dashboard on Storyboard That, from set up to account creation!

How do I use Storyboard That in Canvas?

How do I integrate Canvas assignments with Storyboard That?.. Canvas Integration. Our integration with Canvas has multiple features to help make your life easier! Getting Started. FIRST STEP: Click h…
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My Students Signed Up for a Free Account

If students accidentally signed up for a free account, there are easy ways to remedy that and help them join your subscription.


My School has an Account

If your school just signed up for an account, we can help make sure you're connected to their subscription.


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