Table of Contents

Set Up Students with Canvas

If you are looking for help on Canvas assignment integration or how to add the Storyboard That app, please follow one of the links below.
This page is only for Canvas admins who are setting up rostering via Canvas.

Step 1: Get Access Token for Storyboard That Rostering

  1. Log into your Canvas Account in a new tab or window.
  1. Go to Canvas Account Settings:
  1. Click on "+ New Access Token".
  1. Enter “Storyboard That” into the Purpose field.
  1. Generate the token.

Storyboard That will need this token!


Step 2: Configuring Storyboard That for Rostering!

Only registered Storyboard That users can get the Consumer Key & Secret.

  1. Go to our School Setup Wizard.
    If starting from your teacher dashboard, click on "Set Up My Teachers".
    1. Next, click on the Canvas icon:
    You will now be provided with a Consumer Key & Secret that you will use later in setting up LTI. They will also be emailed to you.
The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be needed later for LTI setup.
  1. Provide the Access Token you just generated and the link for your Canvas login page.
  2. Press "Apply".
  3. Press "Validate". The button will turn green if we have the right information.

Step 3: Add Storyboard That to Canvas

 Instructions on how to add the Storyboard That app to Canvas

Need any help? Contact us at for assistance! 

How did we do?

Add Storyboard That App to Canvas

How Do I Roster With Google?

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