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Folders (Business)

Folders are a way to group storyboards together, which is perfect for organizing different projects within a team environment.

On the View and Manage Folders page, all Folders that you have created will be listed in a table. Sort the list by folder name, number of storyboards, and whether or not the Folder is active.

 Add Folder

  1. Click "Manage Folders"


  1. Click "Add Folder"

Once you're on the "Manage Folders" page, you can add a folder (or see the folders you've already created)

Give the Folder a title in the “Folder Name" field and click Add Folder. You can change the user who is in charge of the folder using the "User" dropdown.

  1. Add Additional Information

If you want to add any additional information about the project, you can do so on the folder page:



Write a description to accompany the Folder. The description might be instructions, resources, or reminders. The text field allows for basic formatting markup, but does not allow for hyperlinks. You can include URLs for copying and pasting. The description is visible to anyone with access to the Folder. You can edit the description at any time by returning to this Folder page or by managing the Folder.


The storyboards associated with this Folder appear in the navigation pane on the left. 


Folders can be given customized Quick Rubric rubrics. Quick Rubric is completely free. Add the URL of the rubric you wish to use in the field and click "Update Rubric" and the rubric will appear. There is a test URL you can use to see how it works.




Both users and administrators can comment on the Folder at the bottom. This feature is an excellent way for users to collaborate, ask each other questions, or offer ideas and support. Administrators can delete any comments they deem unproductive.



When a Folder is active, users can still add storyboards and comments to the Folder. By marking one Folder "Archived", you are archiving the Folder and users can no longer add storyboards to it. Use this feature for cutting off submission time, or for just keeping things organized.



If you need to remove any Folders, click “Delete Folder". You cannot delete Folders if the Folder has any storyboards associated with it (including templates), but you can mark it as "Archived". If necessary, change any related storyboards to “No Folder" or an alternate Folder, then delete the Folder.

Adding Storyboards to Folders

Storyboards can be added to a Folder at save time by the user. There is a drop-down menu called “Folder". Select the Folder you would like this storyboard to be associated with, and click “Save Storyboard".


Users can also add a storyboard to one of the Folders on the view page of the storyboard. Change the drop-down menu in the panel under the edit options.


Administrators can change the Folder designation of any of the users’ work on the view page.

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