LMS Integration

D2L - Brightspace - Creating Storyboard That Assignments

An Admin must first set up Storyboard That in D2L - Brightspace before you can create assignments. Please show this to your admin: https://help.storyboardthat.com/lms-integration/d-2-l-brightspace. C…

Updated by liane@storyboardthat.com

D2L - Brightspace - Setting Up Storyboard That

Setting Up Storyboard That in D2L - Brightspace. Set up must be done by a D2L Brightspace admin to create/register a StoryboardThat LTI tool. Part 1: Please go here: https://www.storyboardthat.com/po…

Updated by liane@storyboardthat.com

Buzz LMS Integration with Storyboard That

Coming Soon! Storyboard That has assignment and grading integration with Agilix Buzz!

Updated by liane@storyboardthat.com

How do I use Storyboard That in Schoology?

How to create and grade Storyboard That assignments in Schoology.. From the "materials" section of your Schoology course menu, select "add materials" and choose "Storyboard That LTI 1.3". From the po…


How to Add Storyboard That as an App in Schoology

How to add Storyboard That as an app in Schoology.. From the Schoology app center, search for Storyboard That. Make sure you're installing the LTI 1.3 version of the app -- if you have an older versi…


What is a "StoryboardThat Playground" Account?

The StoryboardThat Playground is a special school for students that we don't recognize in our system. Within the Playground, students can create storyboards, and the account administrator can monitor…

Updated by liane@storyboardthat.com

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